

You can retrieve the version of Memcached currently running on the server by running version().

// As a Promise
cache.version().then(function(v) {
    console.log('This server is running version %s of Memcached', v);

// With ESNext async/await
let version = await cache.version();

// With standard callback
cache.version(function(err, v) {
    console.log('This server is running version %s of Memcached', v);

Note, for simplicity, this will just query a single server and retrieve the version, so if you are connected to multiple servers it will still only return a single result (aka one version running on one of the servers).

We may introduce versions() at some point which would query all servers and return the version running on each server but that seemed a bit complicated for the most likely use case of getting the version for a single server.