
Basic case

Now that you've used set() to set some values, let's use get() to retrieve them!

    .then(function(firstName) {
        console.log('Successfully got the key firstName: ', firstName);
        // Would print: "Successfully got the key firstName: Victor"

or with async/await

const firstName = await client.get('firstName')
console.log(`Successfully got the key firstName: ${ firstName }`)
// Would print: "Successfully got the key firstName: Victor"

Get takes 1 argument, the key, and it returns a Promise. It has an optional second argument which is an object to specify options for this retrieval.

The key must be a string. The value you get back from the resolution of this promise will have the same type it had when you set it.

For example, if you had previously set() with an object, you'll get back an object.

    .then(function(user) {
        console.log('Successfully got the object: ', user);
        // Would print: "Successfully got the object: { firstName: 'Victor', lastName: 'Quinn' }"

or with async/await

const user = await client.get('user')
console.log('Successfully got the object: ', user);
// Would print: "Successfully got the object: { firstName: 'Victor', lastName: 'Quinn' }"


Memcache Plus will always return a Promise, but it can also take a traditional callback for any of its methods so it can work just like most of the other Memcache modules out there. For example:

client.get('firstName', function(firstName) {
    console.log('Successfully got the value for key firstName: ', firstName);

No value

When there is no value set for a key, Memcache Plus will simply return null as the value.

For example:

    .then(function(value) {
        console.log('The value is: ', value);
        // Would print: "The value is: null"

with async/await

const value = await client.get('keyThatDoesNotExist')
console.log('The value is: ', value);
// Would print: "The value is: null"


If an item was written with set() with compression enabled, you can specify that fact when retrieving the object or it will not be decompressed by Memcache Plus:

client.get('firstName', { compressed: true })
    .then(function(firstName) {
        console.log('Successfully got the key firstName as compressed data: ', firstName);
        // Would print: "Successfully got the key firstName as compressed data: Victor"

with async/await

const firstName = await client.get('firstName', { compressed: true })
console.log('Successfully got the key firstName as compressed data and automatically uncompressed it: ', firstName);
// Would print: "Successfully got the key firstName as compressed data: Victor"

However, compressed objects set by newer versions of Memcache Plus will automatically be decompressed without having to provide this flag.

By enabling this option, every value will be compressed with Node's zlib library after being retrieved.


  1. Enabling compression will reduce the size of the objects stored but it will also add a non-negligent performance hit to each set() and get() since compression is rather CPU intensive so use it judiciously!