
Basic case

If you've got a key you want to delete, simply call the delete() method and supply a key:

    .then(function() {
        console.log('Successfully deleted the value associated with key firstName')

with async/await

await client.delete('firstName')
console.log('Successfully deleted the value associated with key firstName')

Delete Multi

However, if you need to delete multiple keys at once, calling delete() over and over again can be rather inefficient. For this reason, Memcache Plus supports deleteMulti() for which you provide an array of keys and that single command will delete all of them at once from Memcache:

    .deleteMulti(['firstName', 'middleName', 'lastName'])
    .then(function() {
        console.log('Successfully deleted all three values with the supplied keys');

with async/await

await client.deleteMulti(['firstName', 'middleName', 'lastName'])
console.log('Successfully deleted all three values with the supplied keys')